Blackcurrant Roulade

Made with delicious Herefordshire Blackcurrants, rippled with a squeeze of lemon, the sharpness of the fruit contrasted with the sweetness of the meringue is a treat for the tastebuds!  Don't take our word for it, try it for yourselves ... Serves 10
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Typical values per 100g
Energy (kj)
Energy (kcal)
Fat (g)
- of which saturates
Carbohydrates (g)
- of which sugars
Protein (g)
Salt (g)

Minimum order of 24 for 100ml tubs. Minimum order of 6 for 500ml tubs. Minimum order of 2 for 2L tubs. Flavours can be mixed and matched. Minimum order of £25.00 for frozen desserts. Standard delivery is £15 or free delivery for orders over £70.